The Santa

Christmas traditions vary from country to country but they also differ from family to
family. The traditions of my family when we were young most likely are different
from yours. As a young boy growing up Santa was a part of our Christmas
tradition. Later I learned that “Santa” was Saint Nicholas Bishop of Myra in the
300s. Stories turned into legend and legend into the mythical “Santa” that I, and
many others, as a young child grew up believing existed. Stories of old recount his
miracles and generous spirit.

The Gifts

With Santa being a part of Christmas there were also the presents he brought us. On
Christmas morning, my sisters and I would wake up early to find the
Christmas tree surrounded by wrapped gifts and unwrapped gifts. The wrapped
gifts were from family and friends and the unwrapped gifts were left by Santa
during the night. Of course, these gifts were from our parents and I am sure they
stayed up into the early morning hours putting together the bikes and dollhouses
for their children.

The Tree

In our family living room, the Christmas tree was often either a silver aluminum
tree or an artificial green tree. The tree was aglow with various colors and
often had other ornaments hanging from its branches. The belief in a generous
Santa Claus, the presents under the tree, and the tree itself made up the central part
of Christmas for us children. We often read the Christmas story before unwrapping
the many gifts laid out before us that morning.

The Salvation Army

Being a part of The Salvation Army growing up I remember gifts being passed out
on Sunday morning from “Santa” at our local Salvation Army that we attended.
Often with little gift bags with an orange and hard candy. As I grew older our teen
group would ring the traditional bell as passersby placed coins in the famous red
bucket. Every year memories like these flood my mind at Christmas time. As an
officer of The Salvation Army Christmas season was often too busy to enjoy
decorating and partaking in parties. We felt that through the Christmas activities in
The Salvation Army, we were fulfilling our part to help those in need. As Galatians
6:10 states: “Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to
everyone…” (NLT). In Matthew 25:40 Jesus declares: “When you did it to one of
the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ (NLT).
The Christmas season in The Salvation Army was a way to give back to others in need.
In The Salvation Army, we were able to help others in need throughout the year,
not only during the Christmas season.

The New Year

As a boy Christmas was full of expectation and hope. We attended and participated
in Christmas activities like the Christmas play at The Salvation Army Chapel, the
Church service with a focus on the story of Jesus, and the bell ringing through
The Salvation Army. As an adult with children of our own we as a family tried to
focus on the Christmas story and its meaning for our lives. Now as a retired couple,
we enjoy every day as a gift given to us by our Creator. This coming Christmas we
will probably still read the Christmas story and smile as the old couple of Elizabeth
and Zechariah in their senior years become pregnant with John the Baptist. As we
look back we see that the years have flown by so quickly. The Santa of Christmas
has given way to Father Time of the New Year. So, 2024 ready or not, here we come.

Merry Christmas From all of the Davis Family!

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It’s nice to meet you.

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