Galatians 1:11–17 (NIV)

When we face major life changes, such as a new career or a new direction in life, it’s important to take time to reflect and seek God’s guidance. In Galatians 1:11–17, we learn about the apostle Paul and how he prepared for his new calling.

Paul’s Life Change

Paul’s life changed dramatically when he encountered Jesus. Before this, he was known for persecuting Christians. But after his conversion, Paul received a new purpose: to preach the gospel. Instead of immediately starting his ministry, Paul took time to travel to Arabia. This time apart helped him affirm his new identity in Christ and prepare for his mission.

The Importance of Time Apart

Taking time apart is crucial when we experience big changes in our lives. Just as Paul went to Arabia, we too can benefit from stepping back and spending time with God. This period allows us to reflect, pray, and prepare for what’s ahead.

Affirming Our New Identity

When we embrace a new role or direction, it’s important to understand and affirm our new identity. For Paul, this meant recognizing his calling as an apostle. For us, it might mean accepting a new job, a new responsibility, or a new way of living. Spending time with God helps us internalize these changes and find confidence in our new path.

Application Point

If you’re facing a major life change, take time to be alone with God. Here’s a simple way to do it:

Find a Quiet Place: Choose a place where you can be alone and free from distractions. It could be a quiet room, a park, or any place where you feel peaceful.

Set Aside Time: Dedicate a specific time for reflection and prayer. This could be a few minutes each day or a longer period if you need it.

Pray Honestly: Talk to God about the changes you’re experiencing. Share your thoughts, fears, and hopes with Him.

Reflect on Scripture: Read passages from the Bible that speak to your situation. Galatians 1:11–17 is a great start, but other passages like Jeremiah 29:11 or Proverbs 3:5-6 can also provide encouragement.

Seek God’s Guidance: Ask God to guide you and help you understand His plan for your life. Spend time listening for His voice and looking for His direction.

Preparing for God’s Plan

Setting aside time before embarking on a new journey helps us renew our minds and prepare our hearts. Just as Paul took time in Arabia to affirm his new calling, we can find clarity and strength by spending time with God.

Life changes can be challenging, but with God’s guidance, we can face them with confidence. By seeking solitude and prayer, we prepare ourselves for the new paths ahead, knowing that God is with us every step of the way. Trust in His plan, and let His presence renew and equip you for whatever He has in store for your life.

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