June 10, 2023 I’m trying to wait it out, but a lot of the Wild Flower seed I purchased this year has been a dud.(more…)
Category: Simply Gardening
Simply Gardening is where we share the heart of Rooted Simply through stories and tips from our urban garden. Here, we dig into all things green and growing, discovering the joy of cultivating beauty and harvests, even in small spaces.
Garden Journal 2
May 25, 2023 So much is happening in our garden world. I do love how nature works. We have white and fuchsia flowers, and now(more…)
Pollinator Week 2023
Close to 90% of all flowering plants are pollinated by animals. A vast majority of these pollinator species are insects, such as bees and butterflies,(more…)
Garden Journal 1
May 13, 2023 We have a section of our garden property that has wild Black Raspberries and Honeysuckle. Today, for the first time, I saw(more…)
Don’t Lose Focus
Don’t lose focus. Don’t let yourself lose sight. The wheat grows with what it is given. It will reach for the light, it will produce(more…)
Simply Gardening: Favorite YouTube Gardeners
Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite gardeners on YouTube. While I have watched the random video (usually sent to me(more…)
Victory Garden Update
As with most things in life, our Victory Garden is a learning experience. Starting with a grassy knoll presents its challenges. Tilling was a lot(more…)
Victory Garden
I recently had someone ask me why I call our garden a Victory Garden. It is partly because I am a history nerd, and I(more…)
New Garden!
I teased over on Instagram about some exciting news…..and now I feel I can officially share… We bought two extra plots of land one street over(more…)
A Little Cucumber Experiment Post 101
We love cucumbers but growing them is a bit more of a struggle than other plants. One year they play nice and climb the trellis(more…)